* Alive * Authentic * Awake * From The Heart * Sharp * Challenging * Compassionate * Enthusiastic * Simple * Raw * True * Intuitive * Intense * Joyful * Emotional  * Deep * Complete * Direct * Clear * Courageous * Empathetic * Soft * Attuned * Spacious * Strong * Safe * Connected * Dynamic * Vibrant * Resonant * Grounded *

I am Lili, a systemic counsellor, coach and Yoga teacher. My expertise is supporting you in your private and professional life, to shape the life you really long for.

Life happens in waves. Phases of satisfaction and happiness are often followed by periods of stagnation and crisis. Both are a part of life. We often flow through these phases on our own. Sometimes, we reach a point where we need support - a fresh perspective and a view from the outside. I am looking forward to accompany you on this journey.

Movement, nature, adventure and interpersonal connections bring me to life. I love being in contact with people, bringing them together and supporting them in coming into their full power and potential. I believe Yoga is a gateway to a vibrant life, full of lightness and creativity.

All this has set me on the path of teaching Yoga and working as a systemic counsellor and coach. My journey there has been wild but somehow it all fits together. As a young adult, I worked as a florist in London, then studied psychology and law in Berlin. I finally graduated and started working as a lawyer in a major law firm. Through evolution and listening, I decided to leave the legal world and pursue my interests in Yoga and counseling.

I have learned something important from all of these areas which inspires me in my current work. Creating nurturing spaces, wanting to understand human relationships, structured thinking and welcoming conflicts. I like to get straight to the point, I'm not afraid to endure painful feelings. I listen with empathy, follow my intuition, I am curious and alert. All of this helps to support successful and transformative processes.

Self-knowledge is a bumpy road, but it makes you alive and authentic.