Systemic Coach & Therapist

“Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.”  - Virginia Satir

Are you feeling stuck in a situation?

Are you facing an important decision and don't know which path to take? What conscious actions can bring forward change and growth. How can you align your life with your values and passions?

We exist in a world of relationships. Family, partnership, friendships, and work. The quality of our relationships shapes our experience of the world and our ability to react to challenges. I support you to map your relationships and to reveal your behavioral patterns to develop new perspectives and solutions for your life. Become clear with the story you are telling yourself and empower yourself to create a brighter future. This makes it possible to resolve conflicts, and to discover new possibilities to actively shape your life.

I believe that each of us has a great reservoir of inner strength to bring forth the changes in our life that we deeply desire.

Get in touch for a free initial consultation.

WHAT I OFFER - Systemic Counseling and Coaching

  • Personal and Professional Coaching 110 € / 60 minutes

  • Couples Counseling 150 € / 90 minutes


  • More clarity and orientation: You gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics in your relationships and your life circumstances.
  • Strengthened self-efficacy: By recognising and activating your own resources, you learn how to actively bring about change.
  • Improved communication and relationships: By better understanding your patterns and their impact, you can improve your relationship to yourself and others.
  • Creative solutions: You will discover new ways of responding to challenges and develop creative and sustainable solutions.
  • Sustainable change: The systemic approach not only promotes short-term solutions, but also lays the foundation for long-term, healthy developments.


The systemic approach not only focuses on the individual, but also in the context of their relationships and environment. What interactions exist between those involved and how can these be positively influenced? Everyone has great potential and resources that are sometimes hidden in times of crisis. We work together to rediscover and strengthen these. This leads to the possibility of creating a more harmonious relationship to ourselves and the world we create.


In my sessions I often work with the inner family. This approach is based on the belief that we all have many different inner parts within us. IFS therapy offers a clear and sensitive way to explore the inner worlds. You learn to create harmony between the inner parts that often argue to the point of paralysis. These ‘parts’ (behaviors, beliefs, thoughts) which formed due to various life situations in the past – can let go of their extreme roles to bring inner peace.


In a world that is becoming increasingly demanding, it is essential to unite the mind and the body in the process of transformation. Stress and tension have a direct effect on our nervous system and can lead to a variety of physical and emotional blockages. This is why I often incorporate meditation and breathing techniques in my sessions. In difficult times, these techniques help us to slow down, get grounded and reconnect with ourselves. This is the basis for sustainable change and personal growth.


  • Systemic individual, couple and family therapist (GST Munich)
  • Basic training in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (Matthias Angelstorf)
  • Systemic counsellor (GST Munich)
  • Study of the program ‘A peaceful Mind’, University of Amsterdam
  • Certified systemic coach (Coaching Spirale Berlin)

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